As soon as Barry Bonds made contact, I leaped to my feet with my arms raised above my head. That reaction surprised me a little, but not that much.
History is history and that should be celebrated. I enjoyed his reaction at the plate and the chaos in the crowd. And showing just how classy he is, Hank Aaron surprised Bonds and the rest of us with a video taped message. He in essence tipped his cap to Bonds. He did it out his own volition without being harassed by the media into it. Unintentionally he showed up Bud Selig, who has handled this chase the absolute wrong way. The commissioner should have been a man one way or the other. He should have verbally distanced himself that this man cheated and I don't want any part of it or been on hand and congratulated the man.
I know my opinion is the minority. Whether Bonds did steroids or not does not matter much to me. If what he did is considered cheating for me does not soil the game. The game is not the same game it was when Hammering Hank played. When Aaron retired not one player made a million dollars and clubs were lucky to draw a million. Now the utility player makes over a million and clubs look to draw two or three million. ARod might make more this season than the entire payroll of the league back in the day. The game started to sell out with the DH and expanded playoffs. The mound was shrunk and the fences were brought in. Television dictate the playoff games were played when youngsters slept. Corporations name the ball parks and own the teams. It is not the same game.
I will not judge what one man did when the whole game has lost its innocence.
So when 756 cleared the fence, I stood and I cheered.