Sports is a rollercoaster
I am all for second guessing. It is fun and when you are talking to an intelligent person with an understanding of the game, it can add to the game. Would you do this? Would you try this? All harmless fun.
But what drives me nuts is the guy who spent the whole game playing trivia and word games on the Mega touch, at the end of game is screaming the coach is an idiot and how he wants to kill him. Or Jhonny Peralta has an error and Mark Shapiro is an idiot for not signing Omar Vizquel and grooming Brandon Phillips. And how the Coco Crisp trade proves Dolan is cheap because Andy Marte will be just another Brandon Phillips. (I know that seems a contradiction — hey, this guy drinks high quantities of beer and played high school football so he knows his sports.)
One complaint I heard all weekend was why would the Browns trade one spot with the Ravens for just a sixth round pick? The indecency! Ummm... hello, Savage got a free pick for letting both teams get the guy they wanted.
You don't pick a player just because your rival wants him- you trust your own scouting and decision making. How easy is it to realize the trade was something for nothing? I had to turn off a certain radio station because for some reason they let those bar playing trivia guys have their own show on the radio.
Such anger was on display. There were guys huffing and puffing and for what?
Relax. It is a seven game series in the NBA playoffs and a 162 game season in baseball. And it takes years to find out if a draft worked.
And I guess that is all a part of sports. Over-reacting and using sports as an outlet for emotions. You can't yell at your boss so you yell at Mike Brown. You can't curse at fellow employees at work, so you get drunk, scream at the bar and pick fights about how we should have never let Jim Thome leave.
It doesn't take long for emotions to change in sports. Look at the frustration you felt when the Cavs were down big in the first half on Friday and the euphoria when LeBron completed the comeback in the final seconds. And then the reverse on Sunday.
Want to take it to the extreme? Last week at this time, Reggie Bush was a solid lock as the number one pick in the NFL draft to the Houston Texans as he had electrified football fans the last two seasons at USC. Then came reports of his signability and his family living rent-free in an expensive California home. Word rolled out he could lose his Heisman trophy and USC could have to forfeit all of the games they won last season and their Bowl money. Another report said Bush and his family was being blackmailed.
His stock dropped so much that the Texans signed North Carolina State defensive end Mario Williams as the first pick of the NFL draft on Friday night before the draft. That night I read some expert who said that New Orleans Saints will be seriously disappointed if they couldn't find a suitor to trade for their number two pick.
He could not have been more wrong.
Yes, the Saints have already had two talented running backs, but a broken city now has a new hero.
Think I am exaggerating? Here is the headline in the News Orleans Times-Picayune: Bush pick gives Saints a rush - Savior for a battered team, city? That was the front page. Here’s another headline from the sports page: Saint Reggie will help begin healing process.
Heisman trophy winner and all-American boy turns from disgraced star into community healer in less than one week.
I wonder what the headline will be when he holds out for number one money.
You gotta love sports.